MAGNA GRATIA Ministries is a Romanian-based Christian missionary organization established In 2006, focusing its efforts on four major objectives:
1. Translation, editing, and publishing FREE Reformed literature in Romanian, focusing on evangelism, missions, apologetics, Christian life, family, and Christian education. As of today, we published over 250 titles by Reformed authors, both classic and contemporary. You may get a glimpse of what we published by navigating through our website.
Our translation and publishing ministry started back In 2005, when we, as a family, realized there is very little Reformed literature available in Romanian language. Therefore, we started translating the Reformed classics, such as John Owen, Matthew Mead, Jonathan Edwards, Richard Baxter, Octavius Winslow, John Flavel, John Bunyan, and others. We publish everything for FREE in electronic format.
2. Equipping church leaders with sound, biblical, Reformed theology via our book extension program Workmen Approved.
Under this program, we send FREE printed books to church leaders in Romania and Moldova, equipping them to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helping them grow and influence their faith communities and better fulfill their call. We send each participant around 70 books over the period of five years at no cost to them. Every participant is required to send back a book review, and will then receive the next book. Of course, all our books are in Romanian, having been translated over the last 15 years as part of our literature ministry. The authors include John Owen, Arthur W. Pink, Jonathan Edwards, Charles H. Spurgeon, Paul Washer, Cornelis P. Venema, R.C. Sproul, Steven J. Lawson, J.C. Ryle, Albert N. Martin, John Bunyan, Mark Dever, Jonathan Leeman etc.
If you want to learn more about the Workmen Approved Book Extension Program to recommend it to a Romanian-speaking church leader or to support it, please contact us using the form below.
3. Training believers and evangelists in sharing the Gospel biblically, and making church leaders and evangelists aware of the need to return to the biblical principles of evangelism.
We prepared and hold a FREE one-day Biblical Evangelism Seminar. The seminar consists of 7 sessions of about 45 min each:
Session 1. Doctrinal foundations for Evangelism
Session 2. How (not) to share the Gospel (common errors in evangelism)
Session 3. This is a good question! How to respond to most commonly asked questions and objections in evangelism
Session 4. Darwin, Kolob, and the Sabbath. How to share the true Gospel to atheists and cultic people
Session 5. Holy Tradition, Mary, and the Evangelical clichés. How to preach the Gospel to Eastern Orthodox people
Session 6. From Jerusalem to the ends of the Earth. Obsessions of the modern church hindering the global missions
Session 7. Who are you? The importance of the local church in evangelism and missions.
We are currently seeking to create a DVD and a study guide with the content of this seminar. If you would like to support this project, please contact us for more information.
4. Consistently and Unashamedly Preaching and Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Romania, Moldova, and Romanian-speaking communities abroad. We are a Reformed Baptist organization and thus believe in a monergistic soteriology, therefore we preach the Gospel being driven by the content of the Gospel and the exemplary testimony of the Scripture, especially exemplified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by His apostles, and the early Church.
We preach the Gospel in public places, such as parks, malls, streets, in churches, prison camps, hospitals, and other public areas, in private and group discussions, anywhere and anytime we see God’s calling and opportunities provided by Him to share Christ. We believe we have the biblical mandate to preach the Gospel “in season and out of season” (2Tim. 4:2) at individual, family, and local church levels, so we strive to practice and fulfill this call as regular as we are given opportunities. As a rule, all our evangelistic endeavors are under the authority of the local church we are members of. If you want to learn more about this component of our ministry, please contact us privately.
MAGNA GRATIA Ministries is a family-run ministry under the authority of the local church and is donor supported. For a donation, please contact us privately, using the contact form below, or donate directly via Paypal using the links provided on this page.